Custom Metrics - Combine Custom Metrics
Lisa Boetjer
- Ability to use custom metrics as part of a new custom metrics formula.
- Each data point has its own line/color
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David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Allan Porter
Right now you can add custom metrics as widgets/tiles, but there has to be a way to add that to the Meta Dashboard at the campaign/ad set/ad level.
So ridiculous that we can't etiher import our meta custom metrics or make them within AA.
I would like to see at the ad level:
- Thumbstop Ratio (3sec videoview/impressions)
- Hold rate (thumbstop/video thruplay)
- Conversion rate
- Attention (post engagement/impressions)
Can someone please prioritize this? Basic/default metrics don't tell the whole story...
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Allan Porter: Thank you for comment. I've added a vote on your behalf to this request, as it's related to the ability to show Facebook Ads Custom Metrics specifically:
Kelly Johnson
Thanks for providing feedback on your needs related to application of Custom Metrics within AgencyAnalytics.
Could you please provide some concrete and specific examples of the metrics you'd like to combine to help us understand the scope of your needs? We will be making improvements to Custom Metrics in Q4 and are currently evaluating what updates would be most valuable for our users.
Joe Solano
Kelly Johnson: There are all sorts of use cases for this such as calculations off of data from CRM systems such as GHL, number of leads with tag X + number of leads with tag Y = custom metric 1, then custom metric 2 might be custom metric 1 / total leads, this is a simple example. I can certainly see how recursive issues could easily crop up so some sort of error notification when creating the metrics to identify these loops would be helpful, see Excel or other spreadsheet programs for examples at how they handle it, certainly non-trivial
Brian Craig
Kelly Johnson: Our first use case is figuring out cost per lead across all channels. CPL = ( our fee (custom metric of currency type) + ad spend (pulled from potentially multiple ad platforms) ) / total leads, which could be either a number pulled from a call tracking platform or several metrics added together
Jacob Hawkins
Kelly Johnson: Example:
A pacing %. We have a total spend custom metric (of our entire digital budget). Being able to use that total spend metric and divide it by the total budget for a pacing percentage would be great.
Martin Watts
Kelly Johnson: Similar to others it's about taking data IN from a google sheet and then using that metric to combine with others. E.g. total leads from a google sheet that's updated by a client, then adding up multiple platform spends to get to a CPL.
Google Sheet Lead count / (FB spend, Google Spend, Bing spend, TikTok Spend) = CPL
Others might be a combined conversion rate.
Leads from Google Sheet / (FB clicks, Google Clicks, TikTok click) * 100 = CVR
Edison Lopez
why are all the most necessary ones set to "Backlog"? 😭
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Custom Metrics - Use another Custom Metric in the formula
Steve Kostrey
I need the ability to create a have a custom metric being used within another custom metric.
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Custom Metrics - Ability to to include another custom metric in the formula
Christopher Salguero
Custom Metrics - Ability to to include another custom metric in the formula
Oren Gargir
This post was marked as
Jesse Smith
under consideration
Jesse Smith
Merged in a post:
Custom Metrics - Ability to add custom metrics to calculations
QG Ideias
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