Hubspot - Filters
Madak Admin
- Filter by campaign
- Filter by country
- Filter by location (city, not just country)
- Filter by list
- Filter by timeframe a deal was created in
- Forms Filters (ex. Paid search) +2
- Filter by specific page URL.
- Filter by Email name
- Filter by Team
- Filter by Contact Owner
- Filter by UTM Tag
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Andrew Aebersold
Form Filters is a must. So many b2b pipe data from various platforms to hubspot. Being able to track that lead to close is crucial to prove roi.
Meryl Ballew
Anyone know what the status of this is?
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Meryl Ballew: Thank you for your comment! We develop new features based on customer demand, and while we're seeing an increase in requests to allow additional filters on HubSpot, our team is currently focusing on other priorities. That said, our Product Team is aware of this request, and we'll notify you if we decide to move forward with adding this feature. We can't provide an ETA at the moment, but we'll be sure to keep you posted on any updates!
Meryl Ballew
David - AgencyAnalytics Team Thank you for the update!
Cydnie Wood
Also having include/exclude forms and emails by their individual names like Google Analytics would be good...
MDO Marketing
Filters by Business unit.