Reports - Generate reports in landscape orientation
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Pontus Krantz
Would be great if this could be done as all dashboard overview is mainly created for desktop and horizontal/landscape. At this point the custom built dashboards cannot be transferred as the widget text gets cut off and only says "search...." and our clients have no idea on what they are looking at.
Really limits the automatic exports of reports (which is claimed to be a USP of AgencyAnalytics), and makes us have to screenshot reports adding them to a powerpoint or Keynote at this point.
Looks like it has been in the work for over a year, so hopefully we can get this option :)!
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Reports - Landscape format
Je Sayson
Nate Bruns
David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Nate Bruns: Hi! This feature is currently being planned by our Team. We'll let you know once it's available!
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Oren Gargir