Metrics & Filters Slideout
Jordan Snider
As a user, it’s tough to explore metrics freely when in the slideout menu. I want an easier UI/UX of slideout menus for things like filters, widgets and settings.
With this feature we will release:
- Moved menu sections into tabs (Metrics, Filters, Settings)
- Metrics: Nice and smooth animations
- Counters of the selected metrics
- Options of selecting and deselecting all
- Each item has its help tip
- Search bar is always on for all types of metrics
- Clear button in the search bar which switches the search mode off
- Alert about the exceeded number of selected metrics
- Filters: Counter of the applied filters in the Tab
- Additional button with the number of applied filters which opens the slideout menu directly in the Filters section
- “Clear All” button for multiselect filters
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Jordan Snider
We have released our updated UI for metrics & filters slideout
Jordan Snider
in progress
We are working hard on this feature and are currently targeting an August 26th release date